令和4年度修了/ ■SPRING事業 採択学生紹介
令和4年度 大学院入学
蔡 宗輝
サイ ソウキ
Toward Explicit Control between Exploration and Exploitation in Evolutionary Computation
My name is Zonghui Cai. I am a third-year doctoral student in Tang Lab. My research interests are computational intelligence and optimization problems. My research theme is toward explicit control between exploration and exploitation in evolutionary computation.
Although exploration and exploitation have been well recognized by their influence on search processes in the evolutionary computation community, surprisingly there have not been explicitly controlling approaches commonly accepted among peer scholars. Explicitly controlling the balance between exploration and exploitation is thorny and challenging, because we lack the comprehensive understanding of when and how to control exploration and exploitation during a search process. Thus, I attempt to study these two issues to provide some analyses and convincing conclusions. Furthermore, I want to propose a new search paradigm based on an explicit control strategy for giving one more insight into the principles of balancing exploration and exploitation in evolutionary computation.
Although exploration and exploitation have been well recognized by their influence on search processes in the evolutionary computation community, surprisingly there have not been explicitly controlling approaches commonly accepted among peer scholars. Explicitly controlling the balance between exploration and exploitation is thorny and challenging, because we lack the comprehensive understanding of when and how to control exploration and exploitation during a search process. Thus, I attempt to study these two issues to provide some analyses and convincing conclusions. Furthermore, I want to propose a new search paradigm based on an explicit control strategy for giving one more insight into the principles of balancing exploration and exploitation in evolutionary computation.