令和5年度修了/ ■SPRING事業 採択学生紹介
令和5年度 大学院入学
陳 飛
チン ヒ
Low-temperature methanol synthesis from carbon dioxide using various alcohols as catalytic promoters
Good afternoon, everyone. I am very glad to introduce myself. My name is Fei Chen. I am a first-year doctor student in Tsubaki Lab. My major is Nano and Functional Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering. My division is material. The utilization of carbon dioxide to methanol has received much attention in recent years because of continuous increases in carbon dioxide concentration and demand for methanol. Therefore, my research topic is low-temperature methanol synthesis from carbon dioxide using various alcohols as catalytic promoters. I would like to apply for a postdoctoral or a research assistant in University of Toyama in the future, which could let me continue my research. Thank you very much.
The aim of this work is the conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) to methanol, a clean liquid fuel which can be applied for vehicles or fuel cells. As we know, the enormous release of CO2 in recent years results in numerous environmental problems such as sea level rise, global warming and ocean acidification. Therefore, the green carbon science including efficient carbon resource utilization and recycling is of great importance to close the carbon loop, decrease CO2 emission and mitigate the greenhouse effect. In this work, the CO2 hydrogenation to methanol at low temperatures will be achieved to obtain higher one-pass CO2 conversion and greater methanol selectivity and space time yield. Low-temperature is favorable for enhancing one-pass CO2 conversion since methanol synthesis is an exothermic reaction. The reaction intermediates and mechanism of low-temperature methanol synthesis from CO2 will be disclosed. The influences of different reaction parameters such as reaction temperature and pressure, alcohol promoter types, flow rate of alcohol promoter and feed gas flow rate and composition will be systemically studied and discussed. Besides, the structure-performance relationship will be evaluated via detailed characterizations to clarify the correlation between physicochemical properties and catalytic performance. Finally, the commercialization of low-temperature methanol synthesis from CO2 will be realized in the future.(旧フェローシップ事業採択学生)