令和5年度修了/ ■SPRING事業 採択学生紹介

令和5年度 大学院入学
Do Tram Anh
ド チャム アン
My name is Do Tram Anh and I worked as an otolaryngologist in Vietnam. I came to Japan to enter the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Toyama 2 years ago.
Currently, I am conducting 3 basic and clinical research on dizziness patients under the guidance of Professor Hideo Shojaku at the Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery department. One of my research interests is the application of machine learning in vestibular disease diagnosis (A). Nowadays, machine learning is not only used popularly in many areas of life but also in medicine with the many benefits it brings. I use 5 ML algorithms to evaluate the prediction capability in vestibular disease diagnosis. In the future, the application of machine learning technology to medical diagnosis may be a useful tool to support doctors' decision-making in disease prediction. In my second research, I am conducting higher-order functional research using fNIRS in daily dizziness research (B). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) sends two types of near-infrared light from above the scalp to measure oxygenated hemoglobin (Oxy-Hb) and deoxidized hemoglobin (Deoxy-Hb) on the surface of the cerebral cortex. It is a new non-invasive brain function imaging method. I use fNIRS technique to investigate the cause of the chronic disease so called persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD), and to build an fNIRS-mediated neurofeedback system for the treatment of intractable PPPD. In my third research, I am conducting a clinical evaluation of non-invasive therapy, i.e. middle ear pressure therapy (MEPT), for intractable Meniere's disease (MD). Because MEPT is effective in patients with intractable MD, the Japanese government approved the clinical use of MEPT under the Japanese medical insurance system in 2018. So far, more than 50 intractable MD patients have been treated using MEPT at Toyama University Hospital. The long-term usefulness of MEPT is not clear so at first, I evaluate the 2-year long-term usefulness of MEPT. Clinical records including vertigo, hearing acuity, and quality of life among the patients with intractable MD are investigated. It is not clear about the reduction of the pressure pulse from the auditory canal to the inner ear. Therefore, I also record the middle and inner ear pressure response to the MEPT application.
Currently, I am conducting 3 basic and clinical research on dizziness patients under the guidance of Professor Hideo Shojaku at the Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery department. One of my research interests is the application of machine learning in vestibular disease diagnosis (A). Nowadays, machine learning is not only used popularly in many areas of life but also in medicine with the many benefits it brings. I use 5 ML algorithms to evaluate the prediction capability in vestibular disease diagnosis. In the future, the application of machine learning technology to medical diagnosis may be a useful tool to support doctors' decision-making in disease prediction. In my second research, I am conducting higher-order functional research using fNIRS in daily dizziness research (B). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) sends two types of near-infrared light from above the scalp to measure oxygenated hemoglobin (Oxy-Hb) and deoxidized hemoglobin (Deoxy-Hb) on the surface of the cerebral cortex. It is a new non-invasive brain function imaging method. I use fNIRS technique to investigate the cause of the chronic disease so called persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD), and to build an fNIRS-mediated neurofeedback system for the treatment of intractable PPPD. In my third research, I am conducting a clinical evaluation of non-invasive therapy, i.e. middle ear pressure therapy (MEPT), for intractable Meniere's disease (MD). Because MEPT is effective in patients with intractable MD, the Japanese government approved the clinical use of MEPT under the Japanese medical insurance system in 2018. So far, more than 50 intractable MD patients have been treated using MEPT at Toyama University Hospital. The long-term usefulness of MEPT is not clear so at first, I evaluate the 2-year long-term usefulness of MEPT. Clinical records including vertigo, hearing acuity, and quality of life among the patients with intractable MD are investigated. It is not clear about the reduction of the pressure pulse from the auditory canal to the inner ear. Therefore, I also record the middle and inner ear pressure response to the MEPT application.