令和6年度 支援終了学生修了/ ■SPRING事業 採択学生紹介

令和6年度 支援終了学生 大学院入学
ガ カー
Role of MHC class I interaction in regulating anti-tumor effector function of lung-tissue resident mature NK cells
I graduated from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University and then joined the lab of Section of Host Defences, Institute of Natural Medicine at University of Toyama to study master’s course and further Ph.D. research on natural killer (NK) cells under the guidance of Prof. Hayakawa. Anti-tumor activity of NK cells is mainly induced by activation receptors and cytokine receptors, whereas counter negative signal by recognizing self MHC molecules dampens such activation signal. In addition to such “self-recognition” of NK cells at effector phase, MHC-I-recognizing inhibitory receptors may play a homeostatic role to maintain NK cell responsiveness during their residence in peripheral tissues. In this regard, my Ph.D. study aims to explore such homeostatic role of MHC-I-recognizing inhibitory receptors in maintaining anti-tumor effector function of NK cells in peripheral tissues.(旧フェローシップ事業採択学生)