令和5年度修了/ ■SPRING事業 採択学生紹介

令和5年度 大学院入学
何 厚佃
カ コウデン
Machine Learning Model for Time Series Prediction Problems
My name is He Houtian and I have been studied in the graduated school at University of Toyama from my master’s degree. For now, I am a PhD student majoring in mathematical human system, which is known as an aspect of artificial intelligence. My laboratory focuses on the evolutionary algorithms and artificial neural networks (ANNs), where the main work of mine is using the ANNs to solve time series prediction problems.
As human beings, we want to know the future within a period of time, like weather, river flows, and grain harvests; in modern times, we want to know the electricity demands, stock prices, and disease transmissions. These are quite useful information for industries and daily lives. Thus, the time series prediction problems show up. These problems have bothered researchers for a very long time because the time series are sophisticated data with lots of noise, and traditional mathematical methods can hardly make sense. However, with the help of machine learning technologies, we can build a machine learning model to handle these complicated data and give out an accurate prediction. In my research, a “preprocessing-augmenting-forecasting” procedure is employed to deal with time series prediction problem.
As human beings, we want to know the future within a period of time, like weather, river flows, and grain harvests; in modern times, we want to know the electricity demands, stock prices, and disease transmissions. These are quite useful information for industries and daily lives. Thus, the time series prediction problems show up. These problems have bothered researchers for a very long time because the time series are sophisticated data with lots of noise, and traditional mathematical methods can hardly make sense. However, with the help of machine learning technologies, we can build a machine learning model to handle these complicated data and give out an accurate prediction. In my research, a “preprocessing-augmenting-forecasting” procedure is employed to deal with time series prediction problem.